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Regular price $23.00 AUD
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Decal Size

High quality decal available in 150mm & 300mm!

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Customer Reviews

Based on 20 reviews
Adrian S. (Adelaide, Australia)
Quality products deserving recognition!

Happy to add the brand decal on the back of the Prado. I'm always being asked how I care for my beard, so now it's in full sight for all to see. SKOL without question!

Chris D. (Melbourne, Australia)
Legendary Skol

Balm, butter, merch. All verified legend status. Product, price, service, delivery, communication just great. Love your work guys.

G'day Chris!😃BRO are you serious?! DOUBLE DECALS ON THE WHIP!! This has put a giant smile on my face😃🙌Beyond blessed to have you as part of our Brotherhood mate and representing like this is just next level! Thank you for everything my friend, you're a Legend mate!!Matt (Founder)

Kyle S. (Brisbane, Australia)
Bloody love it

Skol you have outdone yourself again, if you aren’t using the skol products then your beard is missing out.

Hey Kyle, thank you so much mate!! The full fragrance range goes hard - the 24 bottles looks ridicolousWe appreciate you Bro. Cheers! Matt (founder)

Blaine H. (Perth, Australia)
Nailed it Again

Firstly I was glad I got a pair of both the different size stickers as the smaller ones would not have made my evil plan come together... Nah, no more evil plans these days, just shenanigans.

It takes a lot for an object or decal / banner to be allowed real estate on my baby but hell yes these awesome looking Super Skol Stickers made the cut easily.

Plus they have a home on the rear windows on my car right next to the quarter windows where I have matte black vinyl Aussie Flags which now makes the glass in that area look extraordinarily amazing just by these 2 simple additions. Have some photos this time too so I hope everyone on the roads think they are awesome too but if they don't all that matters is I do.

Lastly, these photos were also used for a review to a mob for the new tyres all round which I ensured included the new edition stickers for that too.

So, bottom line...
Would I recommend them?
F YES MATE, F YES. (PG version of an Ozzy Man comment)

Hey Blaine, we hope you're well Brother! 'No more evil plans these days' resonated a little too much

Bro this is so sick!🔥🔥Can't believe you've gone all out of the commy, the flag decal goes nice with our decal too! We appreicate the huge amount of support and exposure dude😃😃
Matt (founder)

Ethan w. (Hobart, Australia)